Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS)

St. Joseph’s Personalized Recovery Oriented Services Program (PROS) believes that recovery is a reality for individuals with severe mental health conditions.  We offer support in attaining goals and desired life roles.

PROS is a comprehensive, recovery oriented program for individuals who are ready to overcome personal and social barriers that are often associated with severe mental health conditions. It is primarily a Medicaid reimbursed program, with State Aid and Medicare as additional funding sources.

PROS offers an array of rehabilitation, treatment and support services:

Community Rehabilitation and Support Services: designed to engage and assist people in managing illness as well as restoring and increasing skills and supports that promote successful community living.

Intensive Rehabilitation: customized rehabilitation and support services that assist individuals in attaining specific goals, as well as targeted interventions that help reduce risks, involvement in the criminal justice system, loss of housing, or loss of a valued life role.

Ongoing Rehabilitation and Support: offering support and mental health treatment for employed individuals working in the community at least 10 hours per week.

Clinical Treatment: A recovery–focused approach providing services to help stabilize, alleviate and control psychiatric symptoms.

For more information on PROS, call Manager,  Christopher Prosak at (315) 703-2773